
NW Valley Times

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

GCU hosts diverse summer sports camps focusing on skill improvement and personal growth

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Brian E. Mueller Chairman | Grand Canyon University

Brian E. Mueller Chairman | Grand Canyon University

Participants practiced their soccer skills at the Canyon Activity Center during a day camp led by Grand Canyon University’s (GCU) men’s soccer team. The focus for Tuesday was attitude.

Instructions on soccer dribbling and passing techniques, balance, and weight distribution were provided to the youth at GCU’s day camp. However, emphasis was also placed on having an attitude that complements others.

“Today is about having an attitude that complements others,” said TJ Madero, assistant coach of the GCU men’s soccer team, who is leading boys aged 7 to 14 through a weeklong day camp on campus.

The GCU camp is one of 42 sports camps scheduled this summer with nearly 12,000 athletes registered so far. Madero selects a word each day to guide the campers. On Monday, it was courage; Tuesday's focus was attitude.

“If someone is down, how can you lift them? How can you have a positive attitude so you can uplift them?” Madero explained. “In life, there are going to be times when you have to uplift others.”

After three more days of camp featuring words like motivation and passion, Madero ties these themes back to a spiritual element and a Bible phrase such as Philippians 4:13 – “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

GCU sports camps cater to individual athletes ranging from elite players to beginners across various sports including basketball, soccer, volleyball, baseball, and tennis.

Another major event this week is Christ's Church of the Valley’s junior high camp with about 2,500 CCV campers participating in activities both outdoors and indoors at multiple locations across campus.

At these camps, the goal extends beyond improving athletic skills; it includes showcasing GCU as a potential educational institution. “Every one of those kids and families will see the campus...and it’s a real viable option for them to continue their education,” said Theon Carrier, director of camps.

Coaches play an active role in these camps rather than just making introductory speeches. Madero expressed his interest in expanding his involvement by exploring a soccer ministry camp for next year.

“Anytime you can share in a small environment, you never know where it will go,” he said. He hopes that younger participants will resonate with some of the teachings or remember interactions with GCU players who serve as community leaders.

“Our dream is that they come back and say I know that player on the field. I worked with that player over the summer,” Madero added.

For information on available summer sports camps at GCU still open for registration click here.

Grand Canyon University senior writer Mike Kilen can be reached at [email protected]



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